Concscious Cannabis Breathwork Circles

Conscious cannabis breathwork circles are a gentle yet powerful way to benefit from a therapeutic psychedelic experience.  Participants may experience a deepening of self-awareness, gain insight into patterned ways of thinking that are limiting, and discover new pathways to support health and wellbeing.

A conscious cannabis breathwork circle includes:
-The participant's use of their own cannabis, taken at their own desired amount
-Guided meditation
-Guided breathwork practice
-Evocative music
-Experienced facilitators supporting an intimate, small group experience
-Post-journey art expression, tea and snacks

The experience also includes a 1.5 hour integration session via zoom to support participants in deepening the experience into daily life.

Dates, Location & Pricing

  • March 14, 4:30 - 8pm, at a beautiful retreat center in Nevada City

  • March 18, 6:30 - 8pm integration session via zoom

  • $150 per person for circle and integration session. For those who need financial support to participate, a sliding scale is available (up to 30% discount)

Lara Hutch & Rachel Berry

About Rachel Berry
After having her own transformative experiences with psychedelic assisted therapy on the heels of a life-threatening illness, Rachel now uses her training in Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapy (CAPT) and breathwork to support others in their own healing.  Rachel integrates her experience in herbalism and nature-based practices, supporting others to develop a deeper connection with the natural world. She holds a Master's degree in Psychology, worked as an addiction counselor before transitioning into a career in community health.  She is currently training with the Center for Consciousness Medicine, Psychedelic Guide Credentialling Program.

Begin registration here.